Sunday, January 11, 2009

Zoey has a new and quite unusual behavior for a 13 month old. She is enamored with pen and paper. She loves to draw or color, but really just holding the two together will suffice. As a matter of fact, I was rather annoyed at her determination to hold them the other day. She was obviously tired and wanted to be held, which I was fine with at that moment. However, she was also obsessed with carrying her pen and paper at that very moment. This caused somewhat of a problem since her paper was actually a legal-sized notepad and could not easily be removed from my face area while she rested her head on my shoulder. Try cleaning a kitchen with a toddler in your arms, a huge notepad on one side of your face and a pen on the other. All while 9 months pregnant. The situation gave supermom a whole new meaning. So, I gently removed the paper from her chubby little hand, which threw her into hysterics! Maybe she will sit quietly next to me and, think again, mom! Not anywhere in Zoey's plans for the day. This fight went on for quite sometime until I gave in and just stood there holding her with that frustrated, exhausted look you can all imagine...paper on one side, pen on the other. She won that battle.

It made me think that she may someday become a wonderful writer. Her Granddad is not only an award winning/published play write, but he has been writing hilariously for as long as I can remember. (see his blog linked off to the side as Wm the Great)I know there are other accomplished writers in my family tree, but I don't know the exact details of their talents. I used to be able to write before all of my offspring sucked my brains out.
I just hope she doesn't start carrying a computer around, since that's what we all use to write now. That could get hairy.

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