Thursday, December 4, 2008

2 Months Later

Wow! I had no idea so much time had passed since the last update. Sadly, despite my busy-ness, I really don't have much to show for the time I've been away from the wonderful world of blogging. (It's been so long, I forgot how to sign in!)
Zoey turned one! I attempted my first fondant cake all by myself. The real first was for Lynn's parents' 40th anniversary party, but I had Lynn's help on that one. They both turned out ok, but Zoey's ended up a leaning tower by the next day, and it took me SIX hours just to decorate it! It may be my last. As fun as it was to design, I would say the actual act of decorating was more of a frustration than anything.
Cake aside, the celebration was successful. Her birthday landed on black Friday this year, so we opted for celebrating on Thanksgiving. She got lots of cute clothes and toys. I have to say, the favorite was the red Radio Flyer Sports Coupe. It has a radio with different types of music, blinkers, a key that turns, a removable gas cap and, of course, a horn. Her feet can either hang down so she can "drive" herself, or she can rest them on a ledge so Dad can speed around the house at dangerous levels. Fun for all! We have video to prove it.

Bryce continues to lose teeth and is doing well in karate--2 completely unrelated events. I'm just not sure what other updates there are on him.

Evyn had a solo in the Christmas program at her school, but it turned into a duet. She seemed just fine singing in front of her teacher, but then when it was time to sing in front of everybody, she got a little scared. Plus, there is apparently a boy in her class who won't stop singing while she sings, so they just decided to let them both sing. I'm excited to see how that goes.

We've been focusing on caring about others this Christmas season. That's a tough concept for my kids...
So far, we've experienced hunger, thirst and homelessness. One night, all we had for dinner was a tiny bowl of rice. We talked about how some kids only get that tiny bowl all day...maybe. We went without water for a meal, and talked about other things we use water for, and take for granted. Tonight, we spent 5 minutes outside in the cold and talked about the feelings someone might have if they were out there all night, every night. Then we got to come inside to a warm fire, hot cocoa and Christmas music. I think they are starting to understand just how blessed we are. Bryce has decided to give a pair of gloves to someone who needs them since he has 2 pair. Evyn expressed her desire to "give someone some milk if they come up and ask for it." and to "give some kids some water from a well" Close enough. My favorite night was when we turned off the electricity. What was supposed to be a lesson in how-fortunate-we-are-to-have-electricity turned into a precious evening of family time as we played by candlelight.
This is only the beginning of our nightly lessons. I'm really glad we've started it, and I look forward to the lasting impact it will have on us all.

I have decided, with Lynn's prompting, to go to an actual doctor before this baby is born. For those of you who don't know, I fired the midwife a long time ago, and am planning to have this baby without a professional attending. I'm really excited about it, as is everyone else involved. (At least I tell myself they are.) However, Lynn wanted me to have an actual prenatal visit for peace of mind. My appointment is tomorrow. I won't go into how difficult it was to find a doctor who would take a 30 week pregnant woman with no prior prenatal care. I finally found one, though. I probably won't sleep tonight because I am so stinkin' nervous!! I don't like doctors anyway, but here I am going to one who won't be delivering my baby, but doesn't know it! And I'm sure he is wondering why I haven't had prenatal care thus far. Not looking forward to his questions and/or accusations...
I'm not at all worried about the baby's health. I'm sure it's perfectly fine. It's the doctor's response to my situation I dread.
I'll hope for the best. Maybe he won't be typical.

This has been a wide range of topics, eh? Maybe I will come back to update before the baby's born!

1 comment:

jonathan said...

Those are some fantastic family ideas.

...and if anyone randomly approaches Evyn and asks for milk at least now you know she's prepared to share...