Friday, December 5, 2008

Newest Discovery

Ok, so the doctor wasn't too bad. We are actually considering a hospital birth. I know, don't freak out! That will be another blog entry, though.
For now, I just need to tell those of you have been asking...and asking...
It's a girl! The doctor said he would buy me a steak if the baby comes out with a penis. He followed with, "I won't be buying you a steak. That's a girl!" So, he's pretty sure. The sonogram looks to me like a laughing frog on his back floating down a river. But apparently, he saw a baby girl, so that's what we're going with.
I asked Lynn if he ever thought he would have 3 girls. He replied, "no, and I always felt sorry for the poor saps who do!" Deep down I know he's happy about all the estrogen in the house. Bryce won't admit it, but I know he's not really that disappointed. And Evyn is just happy to know. I'm very excited that we get to keep all the pink. Zoey's just in for the shock of her jealous little life.
Now we can start thinking of names, since we haven't even started that process...


Starr said...

Yay!!! Girls are so fun! (And a little bit dramatic and difficult at times...but you know that well!) Looking forward to the next post to see what in the world brought on these shocking revelations of considering a hospital birth...

Matthews said...

Ditto there! I want to hear the WHOLE story! I guess I'll just call and bug you at work some time soon!