Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Ain't she cute!! She'll be 5 months next week. The biggest reason, besides peer pressure, to begin this blog endeavor is so that I can share beauty with the world. I begin with the image above.
This bald beauty is sitting up with very little assistance now. Actually she sat up this morning using only her own hand on the ground for balance. She also held herself up on her hands and knees. She wasn't sure what to do next, but she'll figure it out soon enough. Too soon, I'm sure.
She's making some consonant sounds, especially ones that sound like she's saying, "mama". And the biggest sign that she's growing up--her sleeping patterns are a little more normal. I wouldn't say she's sleeping completely through the night quite yet, but I can feel it coming soon!
Her favorite activity--watching her big brother and sister.

1 comment:

wm said...

It's genetics.