Wednesday, April 30, 2008

...Mouths of Babes

My kids say some pretty funny, profound, even absurd things. I thought I'd share a few from this week...
Evyn shares most of her thoughts on the way home from school. One day I asked her to tell me the Bible verse for this month.
Evyn: For I know the, is it plans or plants?
Me: plans, a plan is like when we "plan" to go to the park...(long motherly Bible verse lesson) God has an imortant plan for your life.
Evyn: and plants!
If you know Evyn's personality, this shouldn't be surprising since she is NEVER wrong.

This morning Bryce was singing to Lynn. Keep in mind that the entire quote is to the tune of The Little Drummer Boy.

"Do you hear what I hear? Little lambs clomping all around...or however that goes, Dad."

We were in the car with the radio on:

Evyn: Is that God talking?
me: I don't think God usually talks on the radio. why? does it sound like God?
Evyn: yes
me: Where did you hear God talk?
Evyn: When I was asleep.

1 comment:

wm said...

This was a very nice post.
But I think God only broadcasts on XM. Not sure, though.