Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Zoey Words

Zoey has started putting lots of different sounds together. We're entering my favorite baby-age. I love it when they start "talking". It is sometimes frustrating not to know what she wants, but the cute factor totally makes up for that. Instead of everything being "mamamama" and "dadadada" and "babababa", I hear "dadabootitlaw" and "kestabeeeeyda". I especially love it when she looks like she's really saying something deep. The eyebrows get invloved, the head cocks to the side, fingers point, hands rest on hips. Precious!
I love it when she actually seems to be talking to herself, just slightly above a whisper. Or when she says something to us and laughs like she just entertained us all. Today in the car, she was pointing and babbling and making Evyn and I crack up. Of course, Evyn always knows what she said. And why wouldn't she? It's obvious! (to a 5 year old who knows everything...)

She walks around talking on anything shaped like a phone--remotes and of course toy phones are her favorite. "alla" sounds just like "hello". And when someone is really on the other end, it changes a bit to sound like "allalla" which I believe is "I love you". The other day Grandma called and she gave a big kiss. She opens her mouth big and says "mwa". (Zoey, not Grandma)
She has also learned that "guns up" makes everyone freak out, so she'll do it on command now. We say "Guns Up!" and she holds her "gun" way up. Of course, this is followed by Oohs and Aahs and a huge, proud, adorable grin from our Littlest Tech Fan.

We're working on signs, but I've totally been slacking in that department. Apparently teaching time dimenishes with each new baby. I hope Shylo has the opportunity to learn something before she gets to school. ;-) Zoey can say "more" but that's about it at this point. Evyn is re-learning what I taught her as a baby, so I told her to help me teach Zoey. It's fun to watch.

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